Sunday, January 4, 2009

Praying For Others

I've always prayed for others but until recently I didn't think my prayers mattered that much to anyone. I'm beginning to discover that people really appreciate it and that it does matter.

I love my new job. I see people all the time who have a loved one in the hospital and they are scared and worried. I have the wonderful opportunity to share a smile with them and offer words of encouragement every day.

Last week a woman came back up to me after talking to me earlier and eating her lunch and she said "Do you pray?" I said "Yes I do." She then told me his name and we talked some more. The whole situation was touching. I felt blessed and so thankful for my new job as a plain old lunch lady in a hospital cafeteria!

I confessed to another friend, who is actually a friend of a friend, that I prayed for her and she was so surprised that she asked me to accept a gift from her. It was Rosary Beads and a pamphlet telling me the meaning of them. This opened up another opportunity to witness and share my true self. I was really honored to receive the Rosary Beads even though I am not Catholic.

I don't believe in any certain religion only in my Bible and following Jesus Christ. I will continue to pray for others with all of my heart and I believe God sent these people to me to encourage me to keep on praying.

I don't have much to give but my prayers are from my heart and if they bless someone than that's all that matters!

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